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Symbolism and Imagery

Alondside the direct references and lyrical symbolism to religion, Bring Me The Horizon also uses many different types of other literary devices and visual aids to evoke thoughts and impressions of their music and art using religious concepts and ideas. 

Alongside the direct references to religion in the lyrics or using lyrical symbolism, Bring Me The Horizon also uses other devices to establish the connection between human emotions and religion. 


Symbolism can be defined as the act of using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express religious and mystical ideas, emotions, and human states of mind. Symbolism allows people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating connections between very different concepts and ideas.


Imagery can be defined as visual symbolism that uses figurative language to paint a mental picture or evoke certain emotions or human states of mind. Imagery is widely used in literature and songs to express thoughts and feelings more accurately and with precision. This allows the reader or listener to feel more affected by the words. 


Bring Me The Horizon uses symbolism and imagery to depict religion in the majority of their art forms. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Band Logo

  • Music Videos

  • Album Covers

  • Associated Acts

  • Concert Venues and Atmosphere

Band Logo

The Logo for Bring Me The Horizon is the  Unicursal hexagram. The Unicursal Hexagram can be drawn within a circle with all points touching the circle. 

The Unicursal Hexagram is most commonly associated with the Thelema Religion, but before this most people initially associated the Unicursal Hexagram with the Golden Dawn group of Britain, a secret occult society. 


Bring Me the Horizon since their release of Sempiternal in 2013 (also referred to as "Antivist-symbol"). It is now often used as a symbol or logo for the band. 

There are significant differences between the pentagram and the Star of David, in terms of meaning and design. The inverted pentagram is associated with Satanism and the occult.  and used as symbols of darkness, evil and devil worshipping. 

In its appearance, the Unicursal Hexagram is similar to the Star of David. The Star of David is used as the symbol of the Jewish people, culture and faith. One meaning of the Star of David is that it signifies God as the protector and deliverer of David and by extension, his people.


Album Covers

The EP "Post Human: Survival Horror" has an Album Cover which has Similarity to a Religious Krishna Consciousness Painting.

The Hindu Religious Book Bhagavad Gita emphasizes a path of devotion toward the personal God. This is something BMTH and Oli in particular has always emphasized on.

Associated Acts:

Bring Me The Horizon also has connections to religious themes through association to other bands. This is a bit indirect, however, in the metal scene, the idea of collaborations comes from the understanding that both the bands/artists share similar thoughts and ideas but just using different art styles. 

In their EP "Post Human: Survival Horror", Bring Me The Horizon decided to collborate with BABYMETAL, a Japanese kawaii metal band.

BABYMETAL is famous for their extravagant acts and religious themes. They have their own "god" who they perform for and they even call their fans "the one". They have multiple different religious themes similar to Christianity and Hinduism. The members of the band are said to receive "divine messages" from the Fox God for whom they perform.


One of their most famous acts was The Crucifixion of Su-Metal by the hand of the Black Baby. This garnered them a lot of publicity and put them on the metal scene.

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